A 40-year-old man in Blantyre who pretended as a white person on social media has been given a suspended one month sentence for threatening to leak nude pictures of his Facebook girlfriend.

The man identified as Alex Kachimanga pretended to be a white man with a username “George Gaunt” on Facebook and in the process won a heart of 21-year-old girl who resides in area 22B in Lilongwe.

Reports say the two had been sharing romantic conversations on Facebook and also exchanging nude pictures.

According to Blantyre police publicist Sub Inspector Augustus Nkhwazi, on December 4 the man asked the girl to meet him in Blantyre at Wenela bus deport where afterwards they will proceed to have sexual intercourse.

He also threatened to leak her nude pictures if at all she won`t accept to meet him for sex.

The sentiments made the girl become suspicious such that she informed the police who went with her to meet him.

Upon meeting, she girl discovered that the man was not even a white man from South Africa as he told her on Facebook.

Later police arrested him and charged him with an offence of conduct to likely cause breach of peace contrary to section 181 of the penal code.

In court, he pleaded guilty and her Worship Catherine Magwira gave him 1 month imprisonment with hard labour but suspended the sentence to 12 months citing that he was  the first offender and he had saved court`s time by pleading guilty in time.

He was therefore told to behave well during the next 12 months and the nudes were deleted off his phone in the court.




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