A violent blackout protest held by students at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar) six days ago has resulted into the shutting down of the Bunda campus.

a violent protest at Bunda campus

Yesterday, Tuesday December 13, the management of the university ordered all the students to leave for their homes before 4 pm.

According to the memo signed by the University’s registrar Phillip Kaonda, the closure came in due to damaged properties that the school could not run without.

“Please be advised that in view of demonstrations by yourself (Bunda Campus Students) which has resulted to damages to private and institutional property, council of the university has closed the campus effective December 13, 2017, all students are therefore requested to leave the premises by 4pm today,” reads the Memo signed by university registrar Phillip Kaonda.

46 students were arrested for violent conduct in the blackout protest held last week at the campus.

In their claims, the students said the 3 day blackout which coincidentally met with a faulty generator had disrupted their studies and normal life.

They went on to write a petition to Escom to fix their faulty generator as soon as possible but they were later prompted to hold the protest since their demands were not considered in time.




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