Veteran Gospel Musician, Peter Sambo Mhango attacks  Duncan Zgambo, popularly known as Gwamba’s track, ‘Hello Mr Yesu’ as  the Worst song in year of 2017.

Peter Sambo

Speaking to local radio,  yesterday night, Sambo labelled Gwamba’s song as non-gospel, its denotation lessens the general concept of Jesus Christ.

“Its the worst song,  how can someone calls Christ, Mr,” he said.

Sambo is not alone in concluding that Hello Mr Yesu song is not good and holds no any scriptural meaning, as many on social media upon its release were in rage.

“When will you be back again my saviour Jesus Christ?. People have started using your name as they are on social media, as if they are the ones who sent you here on earth to suffer,” another  wrote on Facebook attacking  Gwamba’s song.

Mr Yesu title is to controversial, some believe its blasphemy.

“Hello Mr Yesu Please Come Fast Am Tired With Earth’s Problem Amen!” Another complaint logged on social media.

In 2016 Sambo also wrote open letter to  Shepherd Prophet Bushiri for writing his name on the maize bags he used to distribute in the name of charity.