Zimbabwean opposition parties have said Mugabe`s forced resignation was generated by people with selfish minds.

This comes in as Constantino Chiwenga who led a military takeover that ended Mugabe`s rule in November, was on Thursday sworn in as one of the country`s two vice presidents.

Constantino Chiwenga

According to NewsDay, Chiwenga, however, retained his stranglehold on the military after he was — on the same day — allocated an extra duty to administer the affairs of the Ministry of Defence and War Veterans.

In response to the recent Chiwenga`s appointment, the opposition slammed the development saying that it “brings full circle a sinister scheme by the military to push out former president Robert Mugabe for selfish reasons”.

The country`s main opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) which is led by Morgan Tsvangirai has recently said that Chiwenga`s appointment has exactly showed he was the real power behind President Emmerson Mnangagwa`s inauguration.

“It has always been clear that Chiwenga was the real power behind the throne. It’s pretty obvious that he wields tremendous power and influence in the Mnangagwa administration,” MDC`s spokesperson Obert Gutu.

Gutu continued to say that Mnangagwa is rewarding Chiwenga for leading the military takeover.

Concurring with MDC`s statements was the People`s Democratic Party (PDP)  president Tendai Biti who said Mnangagwa`s government is surrounded by just military veterans.




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