Hailstorm damaged at least eight houses for Malawi Police officers and other residents in Mzuzu on Tuesday afternoon.

The heavy rains that fell for about an hour from around 3pm reportedly also damaged some houses in Masasa and Katawa residential areas.

When Malawi News Agency (Mana) rushed to the police staff houses, it found victims assessing their damaged property.

One of the victims, Sub Inspector Daud Mhango, said he has heavily been affected by the hailstorm because some of his household property has been destroyed.

“Maize flour, clothes, beddings, electronic equipment and other materials have been damaged. Now I will be forced to replace the destroyed items outside my budget,” he said.

The heavy rains also uprooted several trees within and outside the police premises. Some trees fell on electricity and telephone lines interrupting services.

In an interview, Northern Region Police Spokesperson, Peter Kalaya, said assessment of the extent of the damage was under way.

“According to the preliminary report I have received, four houses have been heavily damaged and other four have minor damages,” he said.

Mzuzu City Council, Disaster Desk Officer, Precious Mandala, said the hailstorm also damaged three houses in Katawa Ward.

“I have just received the information from Deputy Mayor [Alexander Mwakikunga] who is also ward councilor for the area but I’m yet to go there to see the extent of the damage though at the mean time I don’t have transport to rush there,” he said.

The hailstorm came barely a week after stormy rains also damaged houses and household property in some parts of the city.

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