By: Grecium Gama

24 year old man Pius Jonas is in custody at Phalombe police station for having sex with a minor contrary to section 160(B) of the penal code.

The victim who is 16 years old is expected to sit for Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PLSCE) and is said to have been in sexual affair with Jonas who is her brother in-law.

According to Phalombe Police Station spokesperson Constable Innocent Moses the two are said to have started having sexual intercourse in September last year.

“They say their relationship started around August 2017 but they began having sex in September and I as I am talking the medical shows that the girl has a three month pregnant,” Moses told Mana.

He further said that the charge may either be changed or not considering the age of the victim as in other context it may be defilement.

The accused who hails from Musala Village Traditional Authority Kaduya in the district is expected to appear before Court soon.

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