By Orchestra Kamanga

After long dry spell in the south Chipembedzo cha Makolo is organizing prayers to ask God to provide rains to have bumper harvest this year.

Tate of the religion Fred Kwacha said the aim of the prayers which will be held at Bimbi in Ulongwe  shortly is let to Chiefs to be aware of the circumstances of the dry spell because there the custodians of the people.

“During the past people were asking God to provide rains through our ancestor’s spirits of Mbona in Khulubvi, Makewana of Nsinja but not nowadays,” he said.

Kwacha said it was his duty as Tate to pray for the rains and urged all Malawians to support his initiative for praying rains so that people should not starve with hunger next year.

“Our aim to go to Bimbi with some chiefs from Zomba, Mulanje and Blantyre is to arrange with people of that area to provide us a place so that we should be giving sacrifice when there are  disasters like draught, hunger, floods just to mention but a few,” he said.

He therefore urged people to pray God through ancestors’ sprit not copying from western cultures because others pray God through their forefather’s spirits.

He said the country is facing a lot of challenges because of copying other religious

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