Police in Blantyre have arrested a woman for allegedly stealing Mk3 million at wedding at Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the capital Lilongwe.

According to one of the relatives, the suspect identified as Enipher Sesani from Machinjiri Township committed the crime on December16, 2017.

It is said that the suspect presented herself to the cashiers table with two boxes of rubber bands saying “She is a relative from groom’s family”.

“She came with two boxes of rubber bands and a box of money clips and she will be in charge banking the money.

“CCTV cameras at BICC showed that she came in at 6:10pm, 20 minutes before the doors were opened for our guests and went straight to the toilet,” an eyewitness said.

Added the eye witness: “She was wearing a pink dress, and came out 20 minutes after the bride and groom arrived with a blue cover up on top of her dress.”

Read this for more details;

I was the bride on 16/12/17 at BICC when Enipher committed her crime, I live and work in Australia, my dear sisters worked tooth and nail with my husband, well wishers and one of my dear friends from the UK to try and bring Enipher to justice.

This was not a battle that was going to be won physically. God did it.

There were so many obstacles that we met along the way, She is well known to the police officers in the city of Blantyre, that is why it took so long to apprehend her because one of them was passing all the information to her, making our efforts and the efforts of the few honest police officers futile.

When we found out this, we raised our bar with the search and employed private investigators.

That is when she felt the heat, her police links also felt the heat.

Enipher brought herself to the police following instructions from her police links (who I think betrayed her, immediately after her presentation we were getting calls from her links demanding the reward.

We told her links that they were simply doing their job and should not expect a penny from us.

After all, we were sending them money for fuel to be used when going for the search and phone credit to call us with updates.

When they say God works in mysterious ways, it is true, Instead of going to present herself at the police station where her link is stationed, she went to a different station where she was welcomed by two beautiful female police officers (God bless their golden hearts) who refused to buy her story.
Because the issue was first reported in Lilongwe, Enipher was put into custody overnight pending transfer to Lilongwe which we decided to do ourselves because apparently Malawi police do not have resources to transport suspects sometimes.

We used both our cars, and the two female police officers accompanied us.

During her confession, she begged for forgiveness, saying her Mum was bringing 1.5 Million kwacha and asked if she can pay the difference in instalments.

We know we may not recover the money, and that’s OK.

But what we wanted was for this woman to be brought to justice because she did not only steal from us, she stole from many other people before us, and she wasn’t going to stop. Someone needed to do something to stop her, and we took it upon ourselves to be that someone.

About how she stole the money…she came and presented herself to the cashiers table with two boxes of rubber bands saying “ She is a relative from groom’s family, She came with two boxes of rubber bands and a box of money clips and she will be in charge banking the money.

CCTV cameras at BICC showed that she came in at 6:10pm, 20 minutes before the doors were opened for our guests and went straight to the toilet.

She was wearing a pink dress, and came out 20 minutes after the bride and groom arrived with a blue cover up on top of her dress.

It also showed that she arrived with two men in a white minibus.

Unfortunately we are still looking for these peasants nd Enipher refused to name them during interrogation.

She has named a woman called Patricia Milanzi as her friend who told her to go and help out at the cashiers table.

We don’t know her, and we don’t know what her role was at our wedding.

She also mentioned that her accomplice is Rachel Kamanga, apparently they do this together as a team and she was also there at our wedding.

Rachel resides in area 10 in Lilongwe. And just to be clear, we are not witch hunting.

This was all part of Enipher’s confession to Blantyre police on Tuesday.

How we knew how much money went missing is because it was all recorded before banking, there were cash also gifts that went straight to the cashiers, one of them was worth MK500,000,00 straight from the bank.

The case has been in court Enipher is now going to remand at Maula Prison pending further investigations because she has many other cases in Blantyre (not connected to our case) to answer to. This is all we can share with you for now. Amene mukumufuna or you have any questions, go and find her there or go and report to the police, because akangomutaya apa, you may never get her, ndiwamankhwala and you will need devine grace to get her.

As someone already said in one of the comments, my husband and I talimbana nako kulimbana kwabwino. We are tired, and we now want to concentrate on us and our kids. Thanks to everyone who offered support to help us find Enipher.

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