The reports have confirmed the details how the remains of the Late Mrs. Raima Chakuamba will arrive by Ethiopian Airways on Friday evening,  19th January, 2018 at Chileka International Airport in Blantyre.

Earlier communication said that body would reach home by Wednesday last week but  failed  due to flight problems.  However, new source has disclosed it will arrive on Friday.

The source further say the body will be taken to College of Medicine before proceeding for brief prayers at the Fatch Residence in Ntonda, Blantyre.

Burial Ceremony is expected to start at 12:00 Noon on Saturday 20th January, 2018, at the Chakuamba Residence at Chinyanje, Muona, T/A Mlolo, Nsanje

Mrs. Chakuamba passed away on Sunday, 10th December 2017 in the USA.

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