A resident in Marondera was reportedly harassed by some Zanu PF activists for celebrating the resignation of former President Robert Mugabe.

Mugabe resigned in November last year following pressure from the military, Zanu PF and citizens.

“Tracy Gona was harassed by Zanu PF ward 4 Councillor Zvinorova in Marondera Central at Rujeko tower light stalls. It is alleged that Gona was seen celebrating the resignation of former President Robert Mugabe,” said the Zimbabwe Peace Project in its latest report.

“Her celebrations did not go down well with Zvinorova, who then told her that she would lose the stand she benefited during the Mugabe era. Zvinorova told Gona that, ‘We gave you Zanu PF offer letters to secure residential stands now you are celebrating the demise of Mugabe’. Gona was then harassed but she reported the incident to the police under RRB 331097.”

In another case ZPP said Ruvimbo Kosmas Madume was also denied a proof of residence letter by village head Christopher Tafirenyika in Goromonzi North ward 16.

“It is alleged that Tafirenyika denied Madume on allegations that, Madume was not paying village taxes and absconding contributing towards community developmental programs. Madume presented his case to District administrator Mate who then told Tafirenyika that all villagers should be given proof of residence irrespective of their community development contributions,” said ZPP.

“Ward Councillor Charles Mujuru then gave proof of residence letters to all villagers who had been denied by Tafirenyika.”

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