Liwonde First Grade Magistrate court on January 22, 2018, Convicted and sentenced three men identified as Daudi Asima -34, Lewis Kaliati Asibu -27, and Jackson Lanjesi -28 to 12 years imprisonment with hard labour for four counts; Illegal entry into Protected area, conveying weapons into Protected area, Killing protected species and possessing game meat contrary to sections 32,33,35 and 86. as read with section 110 of National Parks and wildlife Act respectively.

Prosecuting the matter state prosecutor Sub Inspector Ezekiel Kalunga of Liwonde Police told the court that On December 16, 2017, the Park Assistants were on patrols within Liwonde National Park which is under African Parks, in the course of their duty they came across a Hippo lying dead with part of its meat removed , upon checking on it, it revealed that the protected animal was killed by human beings using spears, thoroughly searching was made which lead to the recovery of three spears at a distance within the park.

Later enquiries were made which led to the arrest of the three suspects who admitted that they were 15 in number, others are still atlarge and the three were found with game meat.

When taken before court the three denied the charge, this made Kalunga to call in four witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt and they were all found guilty.

Prosecutor Kalunga further asked the court to impose stiffer punishments to the convicts for this was organised crime which attracts stiffer punishments and such cases are common in the area.

When passing His sentences First Grade Magistrate Jones Masula Concurred with the state therefore sentenced them to 6,4,8 and 4 years respectively in jail 1,2, and 3 counts to run concurrently but 4 consecutively without options of fines.

The three comes from Traditional Authority Liwonde in Machinga District.

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