Despite diverse political ambitions within a party is a deadly animal that is slowly eating up main opposition, Malawi Congress Party (MCP), United Democratic Front (UDF) parliamentarian of Balaka North, Lucius Banda strongly believes that will never happen with his keen interest for presidency.

Speaking in an interview, Banda said it is no longer a speculation that he is eyeing for presidency in UDF.

“It is true, we are just waiting for party to hold a convention,” Banda said.

On potential division which may rise in the party for his decision, Banda remained optimistic.

“I don’t think my decision is prone to division to the party. It is democracy, if it I fail on convention, I will humble myself to my role as MP,” he said.

The tone in his voice was clear that the parliamentarian what he wants is a change, the change to something which he does not like but it hide the truth if he would be comfortable again to the role of MP when his decision will fail.

Banda also explained that is democratic world where is necessary to have no divisions in the party but rather competitions.

“If one sees has a potential for certain role should contest for it, if he fails should support. I have just shown my interest for presidency, am not threat to the party,” he added.

Apart from many problems in UDF, Banda believes party have great number of followers in the country.

Banda has been royal to the party despite differences within, he has never changed the party. He has been only MP who never part with party’s decisions to alliance with ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

In the convention which a date will be communicated later, Banda is going to compete Atupele Muluzi for party presidency.






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