Paramount Chief Lundu of Chikwawa on Sunday asked Goal Malawi to stop operating in his jurisdiction claiming its officials are “stupid” and rude.

Lundu’s ban of Goal Malawi,a leading humanitarian organisations in the country comes barely months after the Chief also ordered Prophet Bushiri’s Church (Enlighten Christian Gathering) to stop operating in his area, accusing the Church of practicing Satanism.

Speaking at the rally organized by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) attended by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika at McHale Trading Centre in Chikwawa Lundu said the organization is unruly.

“Goal Malawi is stupid! What is Goal Malawi? Who are they? I don’t want them to work in my area. They are rude, very rude even to chiefs, tchupitii. We want Malawi World Vision back. We have been working with this organization and their officials are good, very good. I have said it.” said Lundu.

Lundu also attacked the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) led by Dr. Lazarus Chakwera accusing the party of practicing primitive politics.

In his address President Mutharika shunned Lundu’s claims and concentrated on development projects for the area.

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