Domestic violence against men are rapidly increasing not only in Malawi but also other countries as recently a 31-year-old woman in neighboring Zambia has been arrested for assaulting her husband over Nsima.

Reports say on that day, the victim identified as Mwansa Mushala had just got back from drinking spree around 7 pm when he asked his wife food to eat.

a picture illustrating a woman cooking nsima

In response, the wife Bertha Chibanda said the food was not ready; an answer that forced the drunken husband to spill down the nsima that his wife was cooking. In anger, the wife took a stool and hit her husband on the head and he bled profusely.

The matter was reported to police station where an investigation was instituted and the accused was apprehended whilst the complainant was receiving medical attention.

In court, the wife was convicted for Assault and causing bodily harm contrary to section 248 chapter 87 of the penal code of the laws of Zambia.

In mitigation, the wife asked the court for leniency and asked for forgiveness from her husband.

But in passing Judgment, Magistrate Oscar Kalaba considered the fact that she was a first offender who readily deserved leniency and sentenced her to 3-months in prison as a lesson.

He said the offence committed is on the rise in the world wide and many men have been murdered by their wives and her sentence should deter would be offenders.

After the Judgment,Mushala consoled her visibly emotional wife for almost four hours in the court holding cell before she was taken to the correctional centre.


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