As an increased number of Malawians are migrating to South Africa in a bid to find greener pastures, the government of South Africa has also become strict on expelling non-South African citizens who have no proper documents to stay in the rainbow country.

In reference to this, a total number of 150 Malawians have been deported from South Africa because they had no proper documents to stay in the country.
According to Kamuzu International Airport spokesperson Martin Gongolo, the deported Malawians have arrived in the country this morning through Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe.
“A number of 150 deported Malawians have arrived around 9 o’clock this morning. Another group of deported Malawians from south Africa is also expected to arrive in the country next week,” he told local Medias.
The recent group of deported Malawians marks the third group of people to be deported from South Africa this year only. A total number of 451 Malawians have since been deported from south Africa from January up to date.