Authorities at Mzuzu City Council has banned the sale of ready to eat food business in the city in order to prevent the outbreak of Cholera disease that has commonly affected the sorroundind districts of Karonga, Rumphi, Nkhatabay and Likoma Island.

A public notice issued by the city council signed by its Chief Executive Officer Macloud Kadammanja, says among other foods that the council has banned are cooked or roasted fresh maize, mandasi, cooked cassava, Irish and sweet potatoes, sweet beer, salads and cooked nsima or rice sold on open or unlicensed premises.

The notice says the council will, using provisions of the Local Government Act, the Public Health Act and council bylaws, confiscate and destroy the banned foods once found in the city.

Legislators in the National Assembly are today discussing the issue of Cholera on how government can intervene with possible measures in order to prevent the outbreak.

Meanwhile, 6 deaths are reported in the country with Karonga district on top, Lilongwe second and Blantyre districts.

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