A 58-year-old man`s life transformed from bad to good after he discovered that the cure to his miserable life was to keep his beards uncut.

Mlamleli Nomgca

Mlamleli Nomgca from Mpumalang, South Africa has maintained to keep his bears uncut since 21 years ago after being frustrated with unlucky life.

According to him, his 42 centimeter dreadlocked beard has attained him fame from where he lives and he also argue that it brings him lucky.

He told DailySun that he gets attention when he is walking around his area such that others prefer to be taking pictures of him.

When he was 37 years old, he had many challenges. Then one day he decided not to cut his beard again and everything started going well for him.

Mlamleli said he managed to establish his small business and reconciled with his family after some years.

“I am happy as ever,” he told Daily Sun.

“I love my beard and I cannot imagine living without it. I have a strong bond with it and it just became part of me.

“I have become very popular around the area and I love all the attention I get,” said Mlamleli.

The beard man says he treats his beard just like you would treat your hair.

“I twist my beard into dreads. I used to be a hairdresser before, so I know how it is done,” said Mlamleli.

He said his family was shocked at first but have accepted his decision to grow his beard.

“In the olden days people didn’t cut their hair and beards and I’m bringing that back. I see nothing wrong with it,” said Mlamleli.

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