A man has been robbed off thousands of Kwachas in Blantyre after the woman he took on his car connived with robbers who ambushed him on the way.

The incident is reportedly to have happened today, Thursday February 15th around 3 a.m.

According to the source who supplied information to our reporter, Kelvin Chaguza who visited the scene this morning, the yet to be identified man was during that time driving from the direction of Kandodo corner shop when he was stopped by a woman who seemed to be heavily pregnant.

After he stopped, the woman begged the man for a lift saying that she will drop off at Mbayani stage.

But upon reaching at a place known as Pa Zikwanje which is famously known for robbery activities, the woman jumped on the driver`s seat saying  she wanted to take control of the vehicle. In fear of creating an accident, the driver drove and braked to the other side of the road which is full of bushes.

the bushy side of the road

It was there when a group of men came from the bushes towards the vehicle and robbed the man a total cash of K100, 000, a smart phone and took his car keys.

When our reporter visited the scene this morning around 8 a.m., some men were sent to look for the car keys in the bushes where the woman and the men had fled to.

the vehicle`s registration number NE 7077

Meanwhile, police are yet to comment on the matter and make efforts to bring the suspects to book.

We apologize for the bad quality pictures

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