As one way of ensuring easy  transportation and  communication in disseminating nutrition message; Concern Worldwide on Wednesday handed over two motor vehicles and other assets to Mchinji District Council to be used in nutrition projects.

The donated items are those that were used by the Concern Worldwide in the Support for Nutrition Improvement Component project from 2012 to 2016, aimed at reducing stunting in children and maternal anaemia among other things.

“Concern Worldwide has been in Mchinji for six years. We were working on SNIC project jointly with the government of Malawi, it was a very good partnership, hence the hand-over of the assets,” Barra said.

Besides motor vehicles, other assets that were handed over to the local council included five motor cycles, desktop computers, a generator and laptop computers. The gesture aimed at ensuring that nutrition projects in the district are carried out effectively.

During the assets handover ceremony, Mchinji District Commissioner, Rosemary Nawasha, said the assets would assist the council to solve some of the challenges the council faced.

“The council had transport problems and the assets have come at the right time because they will address some of the challenges we have at the council,” she said.

The assets will be used by the council secretariat, district health office, district agriculture office, and district education office.

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