People of Kafukule in Mzimba are waiting with hope to see the long dilapidated trading Centre known to be tobacco business hub being revamped.

Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development who is also Vice President of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the Northern region, Goodall Gondwe; made a promise to people of Mzimba who gathered at Kafukule Primary School on Saturday that the DPP led government will rehabilitate and bring new developments at the Centre.

Gondwe who was accompanied by Minister of Transport and Public Works, Jappi Mhango; told the gathering that rehabilitation of Ekwendeni-Kafukule road and construction of a secondary school in the area are some of the priority projects that the area will soon get.

“I recall that back in the days; this area was a very busy Trading Centre with a lot of promising ventures courtesy of a vibrant tobacco industry that existed.

“We had a lot of people who could come here from various areas just to seek economic opportunities, but all is history now, this is why DPP led Government is committed to revitalizing the area,” said Gondwe.

He urged people of Kafukule to start viewing politics as a development aspect, hence the need for them to elect political leaders like president, parliamentarians and councilors who are development conscious.

Speaking earlier, Inkosana Khwechisa Jere asked government to consider constructing a modern hospital in the area as the current one is too dilapidated.

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