Thousands of Malawians from all walks of life led by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and his Vice Dr. Saulos Chilima on Wednesday witnessed the burial of late Bishop Emmanuel Kanyama at Bembeke Cemetery in Dedza.

The funeral ceremony started with the Holy Mass which was presided over by Archbishop G. Ziyaye.

In his Homily Bishop Montfort Sitima said Bishop Kanyama was man of few words but acted accordingly by leading the Church in Dedza.

He said despite being sick, Bishop Kanyama was dedicated to his duties as a servant of God and he loved Jesus and the church.

“Jesus asked Simon Petro if he really loved him.The same question is being asked to us As leaders,be Church leaders,political leaders are we true servants of God? False prophets, corruption are some of our bad actions” he lamented.

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