Mponera Filling station in the central region district of Dowa has been closed with immediate effect after it was struck down by a truck.

Reports say a Tanzanian truck which was heading to the direction of Lilongwe passed by the service station and in the process, the driver failed to control his steering and ended up hitting the top roof of the service station.

Upon being hit, the roof went down and damaged the fuel pumps and other equipment at the premises.

No injuries were reported.

The country has recently experienced a sharp increase in fuel service stations especially in major cities of the country which has also worried some groups of people saying the development is putting the country at risk as some of them are not built in right places as accordance with Town Planning system.

Last year in September, Member of Parliament for Balaka North who is also a veteran musician Lucius Banda, expressed concern over the increase of these fuel service stations.

“I am a musician not a civil engineer or anyone closer to issues to do with town planning. But abale these filling stations or service station as you call them, are they not becoming too many in our cities especially Lilongwe?

“They are being built right in the city centres what would happen if we got a huge fire situation…. was this planned? I stand to be corrected,” wrote Banda on his Facebook page.

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