After raising up to K30 million through various projects, Terry Nyirenda is this morning flying to India to seek advanced medical treatment.

Terry was diagnosed with a rare liver condition by doctors at Adventist hospital in Blantyre.

According to his mother Nicole Masauli Nyirenda, doctors explained that the condition called Biliary Astraea is life threatening liver disease in babies where the bile ducts are either blocked or absent.

The mother said the disease therefore, causes the bile to be trapped in the liver which quickly results to liver damage.

The possible solution was to fly Terry to India and have a liver transplant for him to live longer and that needed a total sum of K30 million.

However, the family members only managed to raise K7.2 million which was not enough so they embarked on various projects to raise the remaining cash in a bid to save their baby`s life.

From February 1 to February 3, 2018 the family and other well-wishers had organized a big walk from Kasungu where the family lives to Lilongwe.

Some of the contributions were raised by sports activities like the southern region social football committee who organized a Baby Terry`s Social Football Tournament which raised over K1.1 million with half of it going to the baby.

Terry being escorted at KIA by well wishers and relatives

Also a concerned group of people had organized a music concept to raise some money help little Terry fly to India for treatment.

Meanwhile, Terry`s life will be saved as he is to undergo a liver transplant in India. He is to depart through Kamuzu International Airport this morning.



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