Minister of Finance and Economic Development Goodall Gondwe and Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Henry Mussa today testified in the maize-gate case involving former Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Dr. George Chaponda.

Last week also Minister of Information and Communications Technology Nicholas Dausi testified in the case.

In his testimony, Dausi distanced the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika hat thousands of dollars and millions of Kwachas found by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) stashed inside suitcases hidden in the bedroom of his house during a search belonged to the party.

Dausi also accused Chaponda of being confused.

Appearing in court today, Mussa who is also the treasury of DPP said he was not aware that the cash found in Chaponda’s house belonged to DPP or not.

On his Part, Gondwe admitted to have issued Mussa said he was not aware that the cash found in Chaponda’s house belonged to the ruling DPP or not.

On his part Gondwe admitted to have issued Chaponda with the license when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs to possess reasonable currency.

Meanwhile the case continues and faceofmalawi will keep you updated.

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