A 5-year-old primary school girl who was announced missing yesterday in Dowa district has been found dead with both her eyes plucked off.

people at the scene

According to Dowa police spokesperson Richard Kaponda, the now deceased girl identified as Monica Chunga was found on Tuesday in Nanthomba River with her two eyes plucked off.

police carrying the kid’s body

Reports say on Friday, the young girl went to school but she did not return. One member from her family was sent to search for her but to no avail.

The situation made some furious mob to storm the house of a 64-year-old Chrissy Mponda whom they suspect to have been behind the whole plot. While there, the mob burnt the woman`s house and properties before police came to her rescue.

the suspect’ house on fire

The suspect is currently being kept in police custody as police are investigating the matter.

Police have also arrested 8 people for destroying the suspect`s house and properties.

Meanwhile, the body of the young victim has been taken to Kamuzu Central Hospital for an autopsy.


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