Following the listeria outbreak which is caused by meat products from South Africa, Malawi Bureau of Standards has announced that it will inspect some local outlets to ensure that all meat products imported from the rainbow country were dealt with.

South African meat products

In a statement signed by MBS’s Quality Assurance Officer Steve Kamuloni, the bureau has warned that some specific outlets in the country are to be visited by MBS officers to confirm if the affected stocks were removed.

Several southern African states including neighbouring Mozambique and Zambia have banned processed meat from South Africa following a listeria poisoning outbreak which has already killed 180 people in South Africa.

It is reported that it has taken a year for South African government to trace the outbreak of which 948 cases have been reported since January 2017.

Listeria is believed to have originated in a factory in the northern city of Polokwane, South Africa which makes Enterprise Food products.

The chief executive of Tiger Brands, which owns the Enterprise label, insisted on Monday that “no direct link” had been proved between its products and any of the 180 deaths.

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