Bugangaizi East Member of Parliament (MP), Onesmus Twinamasiko has finally apologized for his unfortunate utterances that expressed support for violence against women.

The MP was over the weekend quoted condoning beating of women by their husbands so as to have them “streamlined.”

“As a man, you need to discipline your wife. You need to discipline your wife, you need to touch her a bit; tackle her and beat her somehow, to streamline her.” Twinamatsiko said in a TV interview.

These statements sparked outrageous comments from the public as well as Women Members of Parliament under Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA), demanding that he withdraws the statement and apologizes.

Twinamasiko in response to these demands, today issued an apology.

“Kindly accept my most sincere and unreserved apologies honorable members and the general public and more particularly the women, this apology is unconditional,” Twinamasiko said.

The MP went ahead to affirm his “highest respect for the dignity of women” and his “unwavering faith in the inviolability of women.”

On the video in question, Twinamasiko said that he never meant to condone violence against women noting however that he would wish not to further strain the matter by making unnecessary justification.

“I celebrate women who are the pillars of our society and the custodians of our national cohesion and togetherness; I seek your understanding and earnest pray that you and all members of the public accept my sincere apology.”

He added, “I am totally against gender based violence especially against women and this is to tell the world and my colleagues that any form of violence against women should be strongly resisted.”

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