As the day draws near for the country to hold the second tripartite election in 2019, Prophet Seer CJ Sabao of Agelic gathering for Christ Church (AGAC) in Lilongwe has resurfaced with a controversial prophecy.

In a video clip seen by faceofmalawi reporter, Prophet CJ Sabao has said President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika will not face his arch-rival Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in 2019 polls.

Sabao has claimed that Mutharika will choose another Presidential candidate for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the decision will create divisions in the party.

According to Sabao, the decision will see most of the top officials in the party defecting to the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

Last year Sabao also prophesized about the hijack of an opposition politician.

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