A 30-year-old man is reported dead after he booked a room at a lodge with two kids and later poisoned himself and the children while in the room.

The shocking incident is said to have happened on Monday in Matero Township, in neighbouring Zambia.

According to reports, a man aged between 30-35 years accompanied by two kids, a boy and a girl booked a room on Monday around 22:00hrs.

“In the evening of 20th March, 2018 around 20:00hrs, the members of staff at the lodge noticed that the guests were not coming out despite knocking on the door several times.

“Then one of them peeped through the keyhole and saw the man gasping. It was at this point that they reported the matter to Matero Police Station,” Police Deputy Spokesman Godfrey Chilabi told local reporters.

“Upon arrival, police officers entered the room and found that the children were dead. Their father who was found gasping was rushed to the hospital where he later died. In the room, Police officers found three empty bottles of pesticide, torn documents and two cell phones submerged in water,” he said.

According to the findings of the police men, it is suspected that the man administered some toxic pesticides on the children and later to himself.

Reasons behind the act were yet to be established by the police.




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