By; Grecium Gama

Phalombe members of parliament and councilors have denied decision of writing a proposal to get loan from Development Fund for Local Authorities (DFLA) for the construction of the stadium rather they choose to buy a lorry which will bring immediate money.

The remarks were made on Tuesday during a full council meeting of where members in the district were approving 2018/19 financial year budget Chairperson of Phalombe district finance committee Damson Chiphaka said they have decided to put aside a construction of stadium aside since it will need a lot of money.

“This month we went to Mulanje district council where we learnt how they built their stadium and we were told that they spent over 300 million which they borrowed from others sources. we viewed that stadium will take time for us to start restoring revenue as comparing to avehicle ‘lorry’ which will spent less that MK 10 million”, said Councilor Damson Chiphaka.

Chiphaka Added that they have sliced down the budget for stadium in order to raise their honoraria by 25 percent . Sukansanje Ward councilor Fedrick Namuru argued with what Finance committee saying constructing a stadium is a long term source of income whereas a lorry is just a temporary as it will be also be borrowed by freely government officials.

“my fellows let’s think of a permanent thing will be bringing revenue to our council for a long period of time since lorry will be sucking a lot of money and many people especially youths will benefiting, “said Namuru.

Speaking in an interview with Malawi News Agency Chairperson for Phalombe youth Network Joseph Mwangoima said they have been late down by the councilor’s decision of failing to approve long awaited Phalombe stadium.

Let’s say the truth here, our secretariat is not helping the local leaders in our district in decisions making. We are not happy with the things are going here since the stadium could have helped us refraining and conducting immoral behaviors since all we love sports.

However in 2016/2017 financial year the council members rejected proposal of youth resource centre. Meanwhile Phalombe district council has approved 2018/2019 development budget of MK 4,690,116,503.00.

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