The title of the post may seem unbelievable, judging by the fact that men are seen as the stronger gender, and women weaker, but the reality is that a lot of men really do fear to be around certain types of women.

As helpless and weak as women are erroneously believed to be most times, they’re actually very strong and because some men sense this, they run as far away as they can from them.

Check out the women some men fear,,,


Intelligent women are very smart; smarter than the average woman. An intelligent woman sees and senses things faster than the normal. She is calculated in her moves, and can put 2 and 1 together to understand situations.

Intelligent women are difficult to deceive and goad, and that’s the reason most men run away from them. They know what men know, and that makes things different.


Rich and independent women work hard for their money. They do not depend on a man to get by. They earn an honest living, and take care of their own bills.

Some men feel put off by women in this category because they know they cannot control them. Money is power. Some men tend to believe a woman would do anything for money, even be insulted and disrespected, so they avoid those who cannot be used.


There was a time when feminism wasn’t as pronounced as it is today, and in those days, men ruled completely. However, with each passing day, the gospel of equality among both genders is spreading, and more women are jumping on the ship.

Traditional men are not for feminism, so they see a woman who stands in support of equality for all genders as ‘undateable’ and ‘uncourtable’.


When its said religious, It doesn’t mean those who pretend to be, but those who truly are. A religious woman is mostly big on morals. She lives by the standards set by her faith, and it’s almost impossible to change that.

If a religious woman says ‘no Sex till marriage’, believe it, there’ll be none. Men know this fact, so the ones who have evil thoughts don’t go close.

And that’s it, really, but its thought that only men who are immature would avoid the aforementioned women because they’re all wonderful.


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