Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has called off the party’s convention scheduled to start today April 5 2018 in Mzuzu over an injunction obtained by the Party’s Vice President Richard Msowoya and four others.

In a statement released on Wednesday Chakwera said the postponement of the convention follows the High Court reservation to lift an injunction obtained by the party’s embattled vice-president Richard Msowoya.

“To this end, while these multiple court cases may delay our calendar during this elective period, we shall not undermine our judges’ role in adjudicating over matters brought before them.

“there is a subsisting temporary injunction stopping the Malawi Congress Party from taking disciplinary action against some of its members and from holding its elective convention as of now,” reads in part the statement.

The Party suspended Msowoya, secretary general Gustav Kaliwo, treasurer general Tony Kandiero, deputy secretary general Chatonda Kaunda and fired publicity secretary Jessie Kabwila on grounds that they were bringing confusion in the party.

But they challenged the decision and obtained an injunction.

Meanwhile analyst have advised the party to put its house in order before it’s too late.

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