Gospel music has for so long been in dominance of aged people such that many youths used to consider themselves unfit that they could not reach out to a wider audience and manage to change lives through it.
But with the change of time, a number of youths have been transforming g themselves to gospel music in an effort of setting up an example to fellow youths and save other lost souls through holy music.

Among those artists is Frank Waya who chose Gospel music as a tool to reach out to fellow youths with a motive of leading them to a right path.
The area 23 resident gospel artist says he was born from a Christian family hence coming up with a decision to prolong with what his parents planted in him.
According to Waya, doing gospel does not vary with age but how the person was raised and how committed one is to the almighty God.
“It is true I am a young person that many people would not succumb to most of the things coming out from my mouth. For that being a reason, I as an artist thought of putting in an addition way of approaching young people in my songs that can put a listener into a deep meditation,” said Waya.
Waya openly disclosed that through that formula, he has managed to transform lives and he has been receiving all sorts of encouragement from fellow youths.
Despite that being some of the achievements, Waya denies to be considered as a born against Christian saying that it is only God who can put him into a suitable category as he is the one who sees all he does even in closed doors.
The artist alleges that he had plans to proceed with working on a 10 track album but the project has been put on pause due to financial difficulties.
“I planned to release a masterpiece album which has been paused due to financial challenges and also fear of pirates when it’s released. Some of my fans have not welcomed the news thereby prompting me to appeal to well-wishers if they can step in and offer a financial help,” said Waya.
Currently, the artist has two songs that are buzzing and also a yet to be released song which its video is currently in making.