Information sourced by faceofmalawi indicates that the state has given back MK29 million to former Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Dr. George Chaponda which was confiscated during a raid at his house last year.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) last year invaded the house of Chaponda and confiscated cash amounting to MK124 million found starched in his bedroom. The raid was in relation to the maize-gate case involving Chaponda and officials from ADMARC.

The raid forced President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to fire him as Minister of Agriculture pending investigations on the matter.

ACB Director General Reyneck Matemba confirmed of the development in an interview on Tuesday with Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS).

According to Matemba, the decision to hand back the cash follows the order by the Zomba Magistrate Court on the matter.

He said Chaponda was not charged on MK29 million.

Meanwhile the decision to hand back the cash has attracted mixed reactions among Malawians with many questioning the future of the case.

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