Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Member of Parliament for Mulanje South Bon Kalindo popularly known as ‘Winiko’ has endorsed vice President Saulos Chilima as the party’s torchbearer in the forthcoming tripartite election.

The development comes barely hours after DPP national youth director Louis Ngalande also openly backed former first lady Callista Mutharika for endorsing Chilima.

Speaking in an interview with Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) Kalindo said he is in full support of Chilima’s candidature.

“People are tired of Mutharika’s leadership and they want a youthful leader to lead the party in the forthcoming tripartite election. To be honest with you DPP of today is not similar with the DPP of late Bingu wa Mutharika, this is so because of the people that have surrounded our beloved leader now.

“The people around him always paint a rosy picture as if all is well out there but this not true,” said Kalindo who sounded angry.

Effort talk to DPP Publicity Secretary Francis Kasaila proved futile.

Meanwhile DPP is set to hold a press briefing any day from now.

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