Two people in Mchinji district have been arrested after a witchdoctor revealed to police of their plans to murder a man.

Mchinji police spokesperson Kaitano Lubrino identified the suspects as 27-year-old Alexander Mickson and Andrew Patrick Mderu, 67, who wanted to murder 38-year-old Lonzoe Zimba over chieftaincy disputes.

Reports say the two went to a witchdoctor to seek help to murder Zimba who has been in support of the current Chief Mduwa.

However, the witchdoctor was saddened to have heard the news such that he revealed it to Zimba.

Zimba reported the matter to Mchinji police and later the culprits were apprehended and charged with conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

Meanwhile, the three are waiting to appear in court once a further police investigation comes to completion.

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