By Robert Kumwenda

It is common tradition for opposition leaders shunning government events around the World mostly in Africa for a number of reasons.

Most of them they do this because of the differences they have with the ruling parties and others feels that when they do this, their supporters and other people will feel that they have joined the ruling parties.

It is the same trend here In Malawi, since the coming in of multiparty democracy we have seen many political leaders staying away from national events just because of the political differences which they have with government.

But Umodzi Party leader Professor John Chisi has a different view. Chisi who is the only opposition leader who have been attending government events said Malawians choose Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to rule this country for five years as such every Malawians of good will is supposed to support him.

Chisi said the events which he attends for government are meant for the benefit of every Malawian of good will and those are government events not Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) events.

The Umodzi Party leader said people must learn to differentiate between government and party events saying that he has never attended DPP political party meeting.

He said he will continue attending government events but he has no intention of joining DPP because he has a political party to run.

People should give chance the current government to fulfill the promises they made to Malawians because they gave them the mandate to rule this country for five years if they feels that they have failed it is the same Malawians who will remove them from government in 2019 elections, he said.

Of late, people have been speculating that the Umodzi Party leader has joined the ruling DPP because of his presence in government events a thing which he has been denying over time again and again.

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