Charles PK Banda, the station manager for Youth Net and Counseling (YONECO) radio has died.

Charles PK Banda

Mr. Banda, who died yesterday at Zomba Central Hospital, was until his death a strong advocate, communication specialist and also YONECO radio’s right hand man.

Family and friends have since expressed sympathy on the deceased Facebook page seen by FACE OF MALAWI reporter.

“I still can’t believe that Charles is gone am deeply saddened by his passing, I never had a chance to see him when we last spoke to each other some few weeks ago and he never complained of any sickness and now to hear he is no more am so shocked,” wrote Jones Mbera on the late Banda’s Facebook timeline.

Another close friend to the deceased also expressed sympathy by writing, “Ndalira mokweza!! Death of Charles P K Banda has shocked me, why God you choose to take such people away from us?

“Charles Banda, I knew him when he was a young man in Zomba, as a young voices activist, dedicated volunteer and rose to the high ranks in YONECO and other global youth forums. What a loss…He taught me a true meaning of volunteering, advocacy and youth activism. Charles was a humble spirited man, very dedicated, trustworthy, intelligent….I can go on and on…
YONECO and the entire Youth development sector has lost a true son. MacBain Mkandawire you have lost your right hand….May his soul rest in peace.”

Meanwhile, this publication will soon establish the cause of his death as it unfolds.

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