A 56 year old man, Manyengo Maliseni from Mwenela village in the Area of Traditional Authority Njerwa in Lilongwe died suddenly after drinking insecticide (poison).

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) Monday in Lilongwe, Lilongwe Police Spokesperson Kingsly Dandaula said a step son to Malsiseni, Bokosi Langwani revealed that his step father died after mistakenly taking insecticide.

He said the deceased was a local farmer who had a vegetable garden and he bought a 250mls bottle of insecticide from unknown market to splay his vegetables.

“He kept the bottle in his trouser’s pocket and branched at one of the drinking joint in the village when he got drunk he bought a small bottle of beer for him to be drinking when going home” Dandaula disclosed.

He pointed out that the deceased kept the bottle in the same pocket where he kept the bottle of insecticide after he arrived at his house he mistakenly picked the bottle of insecticide sipping it thinking it was a bottle of beer.

“He sipped it for two times after realizing that it was poison the victim informed the relative who rushed him to Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) where he was receiving treatment,” the PRO narrated.

Dandaula said on April 21, at about 4 pm the victim was pronounced dead whilst receiving treatment.

The body was sent to mortuary waiting for postmortem.


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