United Democratic Front (UDF) President Atupele Muluzi who is also Minister of Health and Population under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is on Sunday scheduled to hold a rally at Desert Ground in Bangwe, Blantyre.

UDP Publicity Secretary Ken Ndanga confirmed of the development in a statement posted on his official facebook page seen by faceofmalawi reporter.

According to Ndanga, Muluzi will be resetting the button at the rally.

“Blantyre, Bangwe township, Desert Ground 29thApril, 2018.

“It’s UDF president Atupele Muluzi MP, and the whole UDF team, addressing a public rally.

RESETTING the button while advocating issue- based politics,” wrote Ndanga.

When asked by the press the meaning of resetting the button, Ndanga could not explain in details.

Recently debate has been all over the social media regarding the future of UDF considering the fact that the party is in marriage with the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

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