As the day is slowly and surely approaching for the country to host a national wide protest, shop owners in the capital Lilongwe have been advised not to open as precautionary measure.

The protestors are set to demonstrate against government over the way the K4 billion payout to MPs was approved circumventing Parliament.

The protestors also want Finance Minister Goodall Gondwe and Local Government Minister Kondwani Nankhumwa to resign from their cabinet positions.

In a statement released by Lilongwe Community Policing made available to faceofmalawi, the grouping has asked business players to keep their premises closed.

“We wish to inform all the members that as everybody is aware of the planned demonstrations on a national level.

“We would like to advise the whole business community to keep your premises CLOSED on Friday as precautionary measure,” read in part the statement.

Added the statement: “We urge all members of all communities to cooperate in this exercise, however in an unforeseen circumstance shall any business or residential property we will try to be there to rescue.

“The Area 2 Security Committee shall be patrolling and incharge stationed at Muslim Sports Club incase of any unforeseen circumstance or emergency.

“We Request all to comply and oblige with the above – it is for our own safety.”

Meanwhile the Malawi Police Service (MPS) has advised protestors to desist from violence.

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