Police in Nkhotakota are keeping in custody 18-year-old man for abducting, defiling and impregnating 14-year-old standard seven pupil.

man in handcuff

The suspect has been identified as Joseph Daniel Mkwezalamba.

According to reports, on April 5, the victim was called by the suspect to enter in his shop at Kaombe police roadblock.

After being coaxed, the girl entered into the shop and he asked to sleep with her to which she declined. Despite though, he locked the shop and went on to forcibly satisfy his libidinous desire.

The victim was denied to leave until five days later when the parents to the victim instituted a search. It transpired that the girl was being kept by the suspect.

The matter was reported at Nkhotakota police that led to the arrest of the suspect on April 21, 2018 and charged him with the offences of abduction and defilement which is contravening section 135 and 138 of the penal code respectively.

The medical examination report done at Nkhotakota district hospital has since confirmed that the victim was indeed defiled and impregnated.

The suspect is expected to appear before Nkhotakota First Grade Magistrate court soon to answer charges levelled against him.

Mkwezalamba hails from Mtumbula village in the area of Traditional Authority Mphonde in Nkhotakota.

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