The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has fired its Deputy Regional Governor for the north Afiki Mbewe for allegedly endorsing the country’s Vice President Saulos Chilima as the party’s torchbearer in the forthcoming 2019 polls.

The whole issue was started by the country’s former first lady Callista Mutharika who publicly rejected President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s candidature, saying he is too old to rule the country again.

Callista went further by saying Chilima is the only hope for Malawi.

Former First lady’s remarks received overwhelming support and Mbewe formed a grouping called Chilima Movement to drum up support for Vice President.

The development angered DPP top blast led by Minister of Information and Communications Technology Nicholas Dausi hence the firing.

Mutharika’s Advisor Simon Vuwa Kaunda confirmed the firing in an interview with the press.

Reacting to the news Mbewe said he is yet to receive a communiqué on the matter.

He said once served with the firing letter he will seek court intervention describing the firing as illegal.

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