Muslim Supreme Council of Malawi (MSCM) has attacked the Pastoral letter released by Catholic Bishops in the country under the banner of Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) for not tackling the issue to do with albino killings in the country.

ECM on Sunday released a 16 page Pastor Letter titled: ‘Call for New Era in Malawi’. The letter highlighted a number of issues rocking the country and one of it being lack of intra-party democracy, the letter was readout in all churches.

The bishops said it is a fallacy to think that 54 years after independence, people’s standard of living has improved.

“Vast numbers of people do not have quality water, proper sanitation, electricity or satisfactory access roads. This is further exacerbated by poor planning in towns and cities. This goes hand in hand with political interference, poor economic management and rampant corruption. It is a fact that the majority of the people in the country are living very poor and miserable lives while the leaders they elect live posh lives and build mansions in the face of the poor,” reads in part the letter.

But the Muslims community has questioned the Bishops’ silence on the albino attacks, bearing in mind the recent killing of Macdonald Masambuka which led to the arrest of father Thomas Muhosha.

“We feel that the Catholic Church could have included the missing and brutal murders of people with albinism. Just recently our Muslim brother was brutally murdered and one of the suspects is Reverend Catholic priest.

“We are aware that if it was a politician of any political party the Catholic Church would have advocated for impeachment even though not proven guilty in the court of law,” reads in part of the statement signed by National Chairman Sheik Yasin Katungwe and Publicity Secretary Mulli Bwanali.

The Bishops are yet to comment on the matter.