A 28-year-old South African man has been found guilty and sentenced to 32 years imprisonment for killing his 22-year-old ex-girlfriend.

Sandile Mantsoe stabbed Karabo Mokoena and burned her remains with an aim of trying to conceal the crime.

the convict

The news which happened last year in South Africa caused outrage with women using hash tag #MenAreTrash.

According to reports, the convict assaulted, doused the victim with acid before setting her ablaze.

He then buried the remains in a shallow grave in a deserted field in Johannesburg after her family filed a missing person’s report, according to BBC.

When he was arrested in the same year, the convict denied to have killed her ex but claimed she had committed suicide and that he only disposed of her body after finding it in his house.

At a later stage, the convict revealed he allegedly killed her as part of ritual which would allow his business to prosper.

In court, Mantsoe shocked the family of his ex-girlfriend when he tried to maintain his innocence saying the only thing he was guilty of was “trying to be a positive influence in her life”.

During the sentencing, the South Gauteng High Court acting judge Peet Johnson slapped him to 30 years for the murder, five years for assault and four years for the attempt to defeat or obstruct the course of justice.

Part of the sentences for the assault and attempt to defeat the course of justice, will run concurrently with the murder sentence.

His effective sentence amounts to 32 years, the court said.

He said the sentence should serve as a warning to others that abuse against women will not be tolerated.


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