Speaker of the National Assembly Richard Msowoya has condemned the violent acts and commotion that occurred last Friday during President Peter Mutharika’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) to parliament.

Youth cadets of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) invade Parliament and blocked Member of Parliament for Mulanje Patricia Kaliati from attending the opening ceremony.

The cadets also beat up Times Group cameraman and disrupted Mutharika’s address with noise up to the extent that the President asked protection from the speaker.

In retaliation Msowoya ordered all DPP youth cadets and some unruly government MPs to leave the chamber.

Speaking in Parliament on Monday afternoon, Msowoya said the act is unwelcome and has since said his office will take appropriate action against the perpetrators.

He has since said his office is retrieving footage to identify the culprits for proper action.

On their part, government side, through leader of the house Kondwani Nankhumwa, leader of opposition, Lazarus Chakwera and leader of people’s party have condemned the act, saying such “assaults to democracy” should not be tolerated in parliament.

Meanwhile MPs have today started reacting to Mutharika’s SONA.

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