Students at Nkhoma College of Nursing have reportedly held demonstrations against the school’s poor diet and they demand the college’s principal, Mrs. Clara Wachepa to be transferred in 24hrs.

Apart from the school’s poor diet which is among the student’s complaints, the learners are also not in support of poor administration and poor academics which they say has been caused by their principal.
It is said that principal Wachepa has been ignoring her vice and also making life tough for the tutors and support staff.
On Monday, the students marched to the secretary general of Nkhoma Synod Rev Kachipapa with placards and posters written words showing anger against the principal.
One of the placard seen by a Face of Malawi reporter was written, “Wachepa park you things and go”.
The demos started on Friday when the students marched to the said principal’s house were they smeared cooked beans and nsima.
Meanwhile, Nkhoma synod is yet to react on the matter.