As defilement cases seems to be on the increase in the country, a CCAP Sunday school teacher has been sentenced to 8 years imprisonment after he was found guilty for defiling a 6 year old girl in the capital Lilongwe.

The convict identified as Evance Kambakuwa Banda aged 49 is reportedly to have committed the offence on 31st January at Area 25 C in Lilongwe.

Yesterday on 10 May 2018, police prosecutor Esnath Kambakuwa told Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate Court at Nkukula in Lumbadzi that on that day, the suspect’s wife had gone out to handle other businesses.

Later, the man called the victim who is his neighbor to buy him matches and candles. When she came back, he asked her to help him with some house hold chores, of which the victim accepted to do so.

It was during that period when Banda took advantage of the situation and defiled the under aged girl.

In court, Banda denied the claims prompting the prosecutor to parade four witnesses who proved behind doubt hence the convict’s sentence.

Banda hails from Mduwa village, T/A Mduwa in Mchinji and was a Sunday school teacher at Kamtondo CCAP in area 25.

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