A 70-year-old man in Nkhatabay has disappeared after defiling his four year old daughter prompting the police to launch an immediate manhunt.

Nkhatabay police spokesperson Cecilia Mfune has identified the suspect as Lweka Banda who hails from Kampalu Village in the area of Traditional Authority Timbiri in Nkhata Bay district.

It is reported that Banda scared his granddaughter that she would die together with her mother if she reports the issue to anyone.

“To confirm that the girl was defiled, the victim’s mother checked her daughter’s private parts upon which she noted some wounds,” said the source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

A medical report from Nkhata Bay District Hospital confirmed that the girl was indeed defiled for several times and for a long period.

Mfune said the law enforcers in collaboration with community policing forums are currently hunting for Banda.

“When we went to the suspect’s house Tuesday night, we only found his son who told us that Banda had just left the house leaving his mobile phone behind,” said Mfune.

Reports indicate that the suspect had gone missing from Monday after the girl reported to her mother that her grandfather has been sleeping with her.

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