Umodzi Party (UP) President Professor John Chisi has urged Malawians not to vote for political parties based on tribal or regional lines.

Chisi said this in a statement posted on his official facebook page signed by his Public Relations Officer (PRO) Pemphero Mphande seen by faceofmalawi reporter.

In the statement, Chisi accused the current leadership under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika of being weak and nurturing corruption.

“We must accept that our country can easily be called a failed economy. Malawi has consistently been ranked amongst the 10 poorest countries in the world and has also fallen to 122 out of 176 in corruption rankings.

“The matter of the fact is that today’s leadership is weak. Our political culture is weak has become that of beggars and empty promises,” reads in part the statement.

He added: “Corruption through has become rampant. Evidence of this is cash-gate which saw almost half a trillion kwacha looted and donors having pulled out.

“It is also evident that there is high unemployment, shortages of drugs and medical facilities, shortages of quality water and electricity supply, overcrowded schools, university students unable to pay fees and inadequately supported farmers with no available markets and insufficient farm inputs.”
Chisi has since called for a complete overhaul of people in charge of politics and of the systems of political governance.

He added: “Having failed his bid for a third term, Muluzi brought in Bingu without concensus in UDF for the same. Bingu was a product of UDF and many of his DPP members came from UDF. History has recorded the misfortunes we underwent during his term, with Joyce Banda landing in government as the fourth president.

“She was known as the cash-gate president as she and her fellow PP politicians abused state funds mainly for campaign purposes. Peter Mutharika is a continuation of those that have gone before him. Thus MCP, UDF, DPP and PP are all branches of the same political tree.”

“If we do not root out the tree we will get the same fruits of nepotism, tribalism, corruption and lack of vision. Therefore, it’s time to plant a new seed so that we can enjoy a more prosperous, forthright society which provides opportunities for all.”

Chisi who is also vying for Presidency in the 2019 polls has since urged Malawians to vote for him in the forthcoming polls.

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